Info Emko
Info Vilnius, Vilnius
Lietuva Rug
Lietuva Rug Lietuva Rug Lietuva Rug

Lietuva Rug By Info Emko

The Whynot! design team has created the Lietuva Linen Rug after being inspired by the Lithuanian identity – its ancient traditions, its colours, clothing and handicrafts. One of the unique Lithuanian craft elements is the colourful woven stripe once used in the national costumes. Different yarns are interwoven together and create geometric patterns, while the stylized flowers end in elegant colour combinations. In the carpet, these artistic signs are used beside contemporary modern linen craftwork, bringing together a touch of the Lithuanian spirit. Lietuva is available in different colours which define Lithuanian nature: the blues of the lakes and winter frost; the light greys reflecting the sky; the greens of its forests contrasting with the wild sand dunes. A reflection of Lithuania portrayed in the Lietuva Linen Rug.

The Whynot! design team has created the Lietuva Linen Rug after being inspired by the Lithuanian identity – its ancient traditions, its colours, clothing and handicrafts. One of the unique Lithuanian craft elements is the colourful woven stripe once used in the national costumes.
Manufacture year 2023
Product code 1SM1B6UYKC